BlueLaw International Spins from Parent Company BlueForce
BlueLaw International LLP is pleased to announce its successful transition to an independent business. Established in 2007 as the international development arm of BlueForce LLC, the company will continue to fulfill its Criminal Justice Program Support operations for the Department of State and looks forward to increased levels of service on the worldwide stage.
“BlueLaw, as a firm, specializes in addressing some of the more critical areas of societal development in an international context,” says Program Manager Myron Golden. According to Mr. Golden, “Security, law enforcement, rule of law, human rights, democracy, and governance are and will remain the focal points of our work.”
Managing Partner Sudhir Mahara feels that this change will invigorate all aspects of operations and will propel the company to greater heights. “We’re excited to meet the challenges and opportunities that the change of control brings to the company,” says Mr. Mahara, adding that he feels “the renewed energy and focus in the BlueLaw employees across the board. The foundation on which the company was built remains solid–the contracts, the partner organizations, and the consultant base are the same and we are continuing to grow.”
BlueLaw International has recently been awarded another option year for the management and implementation of programs for the International Law Enforcement Academy in Roswell, NM. Over the course of the last year, with Lili Johnson as Director of Security and Law Enforcement Practice and Myron Golden as Program Manager, ILEA trained over 300 students from thirty-one countries. Courses included “Women in Law Enforcement Policy Forum”, “Cybercrime” and “Model Law Workshops”. BlueLaw is an international consulting firm specializing in the areas of defense, diplomacy and development, with previous and current projects in twenty-five countries. BlueLaw provides technical services for the rule of law, justice and security sector reform, human rights and inclusive development, and for anti-corruption and reform programs. The company is headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia and maintains offices in the Washington, D.C. area.